Essentials - Ideal for beginners
Ammous S. 2018. The Bitcoin Standard. Croydon: Wiley.
Ammous S. 2021. The Fiat Standard. Milton Keynes: The Saif House.
Bagus P. 2012. The Tragedy of the Euro. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Barnett R.E. 2014 [1998]. The Structure of Liberty. Justice & the Rule of Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bastiat F. 2007 [1850]. The Law. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Block W. 1983. “Public Goods And Externalities: The Case Of The Roads” in The Journal of Libertarian Studies. Vol. 7, No. 1.
Block W. 1998. “Environmentalism And Economic Freedom. The Case For Private Property Rights” in Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 17, pp. 1887-1899.
Block W. (ed.). 1990. Economics and the Environment, a Reconciliation. Vancouver: The Fraser Institute.
Block W. 2011. “Review of Ostrom’s Governing the Commons” in Libertarian Papers. Vol. 3, N. 21.
Carbone F. 2012. A Scuola di Economia. Lezioni del professor Jesús Huerta de Soto. Massa: USEMLAB.
Davidson L., Block W. 2015. “Bitcoin, the Regression Theorem, and the Emergence of a New Medium of Exchange” in The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics.
Epstein A. 2022. Fossil Future. Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas – Not Less. New York: Portfolio Penguin.
De Jasay A. 1985. Justice and its Surroundings. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund.
De Molinari G. [1849] 2009. The Production of Security. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Facco L. 2015. Elogio del contante. Rende: Miglioverde Editore.
Ferrero B. 2019. “Are Structural Fluctuations Natural or Policy-Induced? Analyzing Mises's and Schumpeter's Contributions to Business Cycle Theory” in The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol. 22, n. 2, pp. 181-217.
Garrison R.W., 2001, Time and Money. The Macroeconomics of Capital Structure. London and New York: Routledge.
Hayek F.A. 1945. “The Use of Knowledge in Society” in American Economic Review, XXXV, No. 4; September, 1945, pp. 519–30.
Hayek F.A. 1955. The Counter-Revolution of Science. London: Collier-Macmillan, London.
Hayek F.A. 1998 [1973, 1976, 1979]. Law, Legislation and Liberty. London: Routledge.
Hayek F.A., 1984 [1948], “The Meaning of Competition” in Individualism and Economic Order. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Hayek F.A. 1982 [1978]. “Competition as a Discovery Procedure” in New Studies in Philosophy, Politics, Economics and the History of Ideas. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Ch. 12.
Hayek F. 2012 [1931]. “Prices and Production” in Business Cycles Part I. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Hayek F.A. 1982 [1978]. “The Campaign Against Keynesian Inflation” in New Studies in Philosophy, Politics, Economics and the History of Ideas. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Hazlitt H. 2008 [1946]. Economics in One Lesson. New York: Three Rivers Press.
Hoppe H.H. 1995. Economic Science and the Austrian Method. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Hoppe, H.H. 1993. Economics and Ethics of Private Property. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Hoppe H.H. 2007 [2001]. Democracy. The God that Failed. London: Transaction Publishers.
Huemer M. 2013. The Problem of Political Authority. An Examination of the Right to Coerce and the Duty to Obey. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Huerta de Soto J. 2009 [1998]. Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Huerta de Soto J. 2008. The Austrian School: Market Order and Entrepreneurial Creativity. Celtenham: Edward Edgar.
Huerta de Soto J. 2010. Socialism, Economic Calculation and Entrepreneurship. Celtenham: Edward Edgar.
Kinsella, A. 2011. “Argumentation Ethics and Liberty: A Concise Guide.” Mises Daily Articles. May 27, 2011.
Kirzner I.M. 1973. Competition and Entrepreneurship. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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Menger C. 1985 [1883]. Investigations into the Method of the Social Sciences. New York and London: New York University Press.
Menger C. 2007 [1871]. Principles of Economics. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Mises L. 1998 [1949]. Human Action, A Treatise on Economics. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Mises L. 1962 [1951]. Socialism, An Economic and Sociological Analysis. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Mises L. 2007 [1957]. Theory and History. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Murphy R.P. 2010. Lessons for the Young Economist. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Murphy R.P. 2022. Understanding Money Mechanics. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Murphy R.P. 2015. Choice. Cooperation, Enterprise and Human Action. Oakland, California: Independent Institute.
Murphy R.P., 2007, “Isn’t the Capital Surplus a Good Thing?” in Mises Daily Articles. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Murphy R.P. 2007. “Perpetual Trade Deficits Can Be Good” in Mises Daily Articles. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Murphy R.P., 2018 [2010], “Trade Deficits and Fiat Currencies” in Mises Daily Articles. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
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Phillips C.A. et al. 2007 [1937]. Banking and the Business Cycle. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
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Rothbard, M.N. 1978. For a New Liberty. The Libertarian Manifesto. New York: Collier Books.
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Rothbard M.N. 2011 [1976]. “Praxeology: The Methodology of Austrian Economics” in Economic Controversies. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Rothbard M.N. 2011 [1992]. “The Present State of Austrian Economics” in Economic Controversies. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Rothbard, M.N. 1995. Economic Thought Before Adam Smith. An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought. Volume I. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Rothbard M.N. 2008 [1985]. The Mistery of Banking. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Rothbard M.N. 2005. What Has Government Done to Our Money? Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Rothbard M.N. 2000 [1963]. America's Great Depression. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Rothbard M.N. 2011 [1995]. “Money Inflation and Price Inflation” in Making Economic Sense. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute. Ch. 89.
Rothbard M.N. 2011 [1982]. “Law, Property Rights and Air Pollution” in Economic Controversies. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Spooner L. 1870. The Constitution of No Authority. Boston: Published by the Author.
Stewart R. 2008. The Crisis in 10 Points. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Tucker, B.R. 1897. Instead of a Book. By a Man Too Busy to Write One. A Fragmentary Exposition of Philosophical Anarchism. New York: Benjamin R. Tucker, Publisher.
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